
Three Reasons You Should Have A Network Marketing Blog

Some Network Marketers thumb their noses at the thought of having Network Marketing blog, mainly because they haven't been shown just how helpful it can be to them. their sponsors say they never needed a blog and they are doing okay. You shouldn't need one either.

Wrong! You need a blog because the website provided to you by your business opportunity is designed for and meant to do one thing and one thing only, Promote The Product, period. Once you get a visitor to your Company Provided Website the only difference between your website and possibly thousands of others is a little box with your name and maybe your picture in it. Your own blog let's you stand out from the rest of your Company's distributors.

A Network Marketing blog helps you earn your Prospect's loyalty, to be sure your Prospect remembers who sent them to visit XYZ Inc's Opportunity Website by establishing a conversation first, otherwise they may really love your Company's Compensation Plan and Product, get called away for a few hours, remember where they were but not how they got there and join under someone else.

Network Marketing is about building relationships, having a blog allows you to start building a solid relationship with your readers by using your Comment Section. You can also attract more visitors and thus build more relationships by leaving comments on other blogs.

Leaving comments on other people's Network Marketing blogs has another benefit, it shows both the blog author and it's readers that you are actively seeking visitors. after only a couple of weeks of steady posting and commenting you can build an air of anticipation, what's coming next?

The third reason you should have a blog is the speed in which blogs are indexed by the Search Engines. Your Company Website won't be indexed at all, to the Search Engines it will be just one of hundreds of almost identical websites with no new value to offer.

With regular posting on your Network Marketing blog, by regular posting read three to five times a week, after a short time, a few days or weeks, the Search Engines will start indexing your posts even faster. Faster indexing means more Prospects see your content sooner, which can translate into your Network Marketing business growing even faster.

To recap, the reasons you need a blog are:

1. To stand out from your Company's other distributors.

2. You can start building solid relationships faster, before you even email each other.

3. Your content will be indexed faster, faster indexing means more visitors sooner, for faster business building.

This article should hopefully help some fence sitters to take that much-needed step into today's Internet powered world, and start using a blog to build their Network Marketing business at Internet speed.

If you are interested in starting your own blog, even if you don't have an Opportunity yet, click the resource box below.

Get a free, easy to understand and follow step by step plan to start an Internet Network Marketing business from the ground up, for about a three dollar a day investment.

Not a 'cookie cutter' copy and paste system that's flooding the market, it's a practical guide to creating your own unique lead generating system using free and low cost tools.

View the original article here

Know Thy Prospect

We all know that marketing is the key to business. What if you opened a store selling tires but didn't know about marketing? How many tires do you think you would sell? Who would you sell them to? Your customers would be driving by your window without a clue that they could come to you when they needed tires. You must know about marketing in order to have a successful business.

Too many entrepreneurs get into home based businesses and don't know a thing about marketing even though that is what the industry is called, network marketing! They get all set up with top of the line nutritional products, super-duper cleaning products, totally fantastic weight loss regimens and then wait by the phone for the orders to come in.

Hopefully, it will occur to these marketers that they have to gather customers, or "drive traffic" to their product or opportunity in order to actually sell their wares. The first thing they will need to figure out in order to do this is who the people are that they want to connect with and where can they find them? Will these folks be at the mall, a local restaurant, the hair dresser, bank teller, or will that meeting happen on the internet? What rock will you have to turn over in order to make that sale?

Your job as a salesperson from here on out is to help your customer answer the following questions. What is it that they want? If you have connected with the right prospect the answer is simple, whatever you as salesperson have for sale! When is the right time to get this product? Of course, you will help your client answer, right now! Where can they get it? From you, and how can they get it? This can be done by purchasing the product with a credit card, of course.

But by far the hardest part of the marketing process is one that is essential to closing the deal. That is to know your prospect, because if you don't you will struggle. What would happen if you could read your customers' minds? Why you would be successful beyond your dreams. If you could find just the right way to communicate with them your work would be easy.

People are basically divided into four different groups: cause motivated, fact motivated, fun motivated, and money motivated. When you are able to discern which group your prospect belongs to you will be able to get inside their head and speak to them in a way that will draw them to you and allow you to close the sale easily.

Jan Fowler is an award winning author writing articles pertaining to business and internet marketing. She works and plays with her husband George and enjoys her 2 children everyday. Jan's goal is to assist people in getting results in their business and living the life they want. Join Jan and George and find out how to elevate your own business while getting support and education from an amazing team. Go to: http://www.workwithjanandgeorge.com/

View the original article here

Rich Diesslins Funny General Cartoons - Dr. Jane Goodalls 50th anniversary at GDI - monkey business - Coffee Gift Baskets - Coffee Gift Basket

Rich Diesslins Funny General Cartoons - Dr. Jane Goodalls 50th anniversary at GDI - monkey business - Coffee Gift Baskets - Coffee Gift BasketDr. Jane Goodalls 50th anniversary at GDI - monkey business Coffee Gift Basket is measuring 9x9x4. Contains 15oz mug, BONUS free set of 4 coasters, biscotti and 5 blends of gourmet coffee. French Vanilla, Kenya AA, Decaf Colombian Supremo, Chocolate and Italian Roast Espresso elegantly presented in our signature black planet coffee gift box. A very nice and thoughtful gift for any occasion.

Price: $54.99

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Bunny Suicides Wall Calendar 2011

Bunny Suicides Wall Calendar 2011Format: Standard Wall

Size Closed: 11.75 " x 11.75"

Size Opened: 23.5 " x 11.75"

Grid Size: Small Square

Binding: Stapled

Time Span: 12-month

Publisher: te Neues Publishing

Andy Riley is a British author and scriptwriter. He has written two best-selling books, The Book of Bunny Suicides and The Return of Bunny Suicides. He also has a weekly comic strip on the Observer Magazine. Enjoy a dozen twisted illustrations in this wall calendar.


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7 Steps Necessary To Run A Successful Home Based Business

Why is it that most of the people who start a home based business fail miserably and what can they do about it?

I will try to help you out here with seven things that I have done to help you dramatically increase your chances of building a successful business. If you don't do these things, your business will most likely fail and you will waste your time.

1. Mindset- It turns out most people who start a business have the wrong idea about how to get started. It's really not their fault, this is the way we all were taught. But if you have the right mindset, you can get yourself into profit fast.

2. Fear- This is the biggest issue, you have fear of failing, fear of success, fear of the unknown, we all fear something. First you have to acknowledge this instead of fighting it. Then you have to figure out how to turn it around, so you can get down to business.

3. Your Product- Niche- It's about impossible to sell if you don' t know your niche. You need to know who wants your products and how it will help them. People want to know what is in it for them. If you have a product or service you are going to sell DON'T! People want a benefit or a result, they want something that is going to relieve their pain. They don't want your training, they want your solution.

4. Belief- You must believe in your product. If you don't believe what you have is the best product or service, how can you expect others to buy it.

5. Marketing- Finding the right marketing to get your customers to buy what you are selling. Start by branding yourself first, you want people to remember you. Get the marketing education that is needed to become the master marketer.

6. Focus- There are so many distractions out there, most people fail from this alone, don't let this happen to you. Everyone will tell you what to do and what not to do, but with a plan in place you can overcome all of this. Get your mind focused in the right place and take action on a daily basis. Do profitable activities everyday and keep focused.

7. People- If you are going to have any success at all in your business you need to align yourself with the right kind of people. We all have friends who have negative attitudes, for the time being try to stay away from all negativity that you possibly can. You must start building relationships with others that have the same goals as yourself.

Strengthen your mindset, overcome your fears, know your product and who it will benefit, truly believe in yourself and your products, get the right education, and start masterminding with the right kind of people.

Sounds Simple! It is simple, everything is here that's required to help you succeed.

Chery A Schmidt is an Internet Marketing Coach & Home Business Mentor.
Specializing in helping others succeed online.
For More Details Go Here Now=> http://newteambuilders.com/?t=ezart

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LifePath Unlimited Review - Can You Make Money With LifePath?

There are thousands of ways to make money online, but nearly all of them turn out to be fraudulent or ineffective. There are only a few proven ways to make money online, and these are advertising and marketing. Marketing is a more advanced form of advertising where you are actually trying to sell a product to somebody else over the internet. There are many programs that help you market products over the internet, and one such program is Life Path Unlimited.

According to Life Path Unlimited, when you purchase their program, you will enjoy the following:

Start your own home-based business.Earn a six figure income with relative ease.Do what you want to do.Have time to enjoy your family.Transform yourself with LPU products.Earn monthly residual income in the long term.Change other people's lives with the products you will be selling.


The result you get out of Life Path Unlimited has a direct correlation to the amount of time and energy you put into the program. The concept is fairly simple: you sign up for the program and receive a website from which you can promote various products and services. Whenever a product or service is purchased from your web page, you receive a portion of the earnings, called a commission. To maximize your earnings, you simply have to sell as many products as you can.

In addition to earning money from direct selling, you can also earn money from referral commissions. A referral is somebody who signs up to the program underneath you and starts selling products. Each time one of your referrals sells a product, you receive a small portion of that sale. In this manner, it is quite possible to establish streams of monthly residual income with no effort and no money needed up front with Life Path. This is why marketing programs are so popular to make money online.


Below are some of the Life Path Unlimited products and services you can purchase and sell when you become a member:

LPU Membership - The membership entitles you to begin selling and buying items, and is the first step to achieving financial independence.Awakening the Movie - A behind the scenes film that shows the culture and secrets of the Life Path Unlimited company and network.Breakthrough Event - A three day retreat that helps you develop your body and mind both spiritually and mentally.The Discovery Series - A home study series that focuses on how to earn as much money as possible from every endeavor you partake in.The Destiny Event - Five day all-inclusive retreat that lets you learn more about LPU and the culture surrounding the company.

If you're looking to make a few extra dollars per week, or looking to quit your job and work full time from home, Life Path Unlimited is a great opportunity. You can earn as little or as much as you want depending upon how much effort you put into the program.

Jim McGilvary is an expert at creating massive prosperity in the MLM profession, and if you want to understand how to succeed with LifePath, visit his blog to read the full written LifePath Review now.

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Online Marketing: Your Key To Your MLM Success

When it comes to marketing your business online, the first thing you need to consider is that you must understand your consumers. This means that you must learn what they are looking for, and the things that will satisfy their needs. This can help you get their attention as customer satisfaction is the most important aspect when it comes to making your business develops and soon succeed. Since, online marketing speaks more of the latest technology which is the Internet; this becomes the primary tool for most marketers to deliver information and to promote their products and services. But, you must also bear in mind that it is not only about trying to sell and promote your products. It won't work just that, it is how you interact with people and your prospect; it is about getting to know other people, especially with your prospects.

An effective online marketing strategy should not be very complicated. Your primary goal here is to create recognition within your target market. By using all the information and maximizing the advantages that the internet offers, it is not impossible for you to succeed with your online business.

Online marketing, regardless of what type or strategy a marketer chooses to use, definitely has several benefits. Unlike those times when internet is not yet available, when marketers still go out their way, drive long distances and rely on traditional way of promoting their businesses. It is more convenient nowadays to reach to prospective clients.

Many people prefer looking for opportunity on their own without being influenced to make a decision. These people are the ones ready to invest, looking for good and promising business opportunity. And these are the same people that you need as your perfect partners. By using online marketing, you not only reach out to few prospects but you can reach out globally as the internet is a global medium.

For people searching for and willing to invest on a multilevel marketing business, the best place to start searching is online. The same thing goes with people who are trying to build and develop their Multi level marketing business. The best place to meet and interact is through the internet and with use of various online marketing strategies.

Just like anybody else, we want to be successful in our chosen field. And the best way to get to it is by using your resources to your advantage. If you are not sure if this opportunity is right for you, take a look into the benefits that it offers. Search online and try to reach out, it is very important that you are familiar with what you are trying to get into.

To sum it up, online marketing is a key and an effective tool. A combination of various online marketing strategies, your ability to interact with prospective client and the determination to reaching your goal, then success is definitely in your hands.

Mika Powers is a successful and professional online entrepreneur, he has helped many people become successful. He will actually help you succeed and create a better life through online marketing http://www.wecallyourmlmleads.com/

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Wisdom Menopause Formula - "The One That Works" Fast Acting Herbal Solution for Menopausal Symptoms- Hormone Free

Wisdom Menopause Formula - Wisdom is an herbal elixir - a clear, pleasant tasting liquid (some have compared the taste to unsweetened green tea). Most women report that one tablespoon (15 ml) of Wisdom, taken in the morning, is all they need for effective all-day and all-night relief. Every woman is unique, and sometimes those with particularly severe symptoms will use up to two tablespoons daily - especially when beginning their regimen. With continued use, most women are happy to report that hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, anxiety and stress symptoms associated with menopause quickly diminish or disappear, and they begin to feel normal again. Wisdom is made from the finest certified organic / wildcrafted herbal ingredients. One 16 oz bottle provides a one-month supply when taking one tablespoonful daily. Wisdom is well tolerated and has no known negative side-effects. Do not use if tamper-evident seal is missing or broken. As always, it is important to consult your health care professional prior to taking this or any new product. Keep all products out of reach of children.
(Non US customers should contact GDI Labs for availability)

Suggestion: One tablespoonful (15 ml) daily (most women prefer to take it in the the morning). May be added to juice or other beverages if desired. In the case of particularly severe symptoms, or if satisfactory results are not seen after one week, two tablespoonfuls (30 ml) daily often brings desired results.

Herbal Ingredients:

Schinus molle (aerial parts)

Trigonella foenum graecum (seed)
Apium graveolens (seed)
Petroselinum crispum (aerial parts)
Foeniculum vulgare (fruit)

Pimpinella anisum (seed)

Other Ingredients:

Purified water

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Price: $36.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

Consumer Choice Marketing, A Great Home Based Business For Energy Deregulation

People are looking for great and sensible ways to make money because of today's economy and to hedge against future economic downturns. Much of the time they are looking for a home based business for all the benefits that it can offer a household.

If you are looking for a great home based business to consider to make money from home and/or to take advantage of the exciting energy deregulation opportunity, then you have come to the right place and found Consumer Choice Marketing, CCM for short. So what is Consumer Choice Marketing and why does it qualify as a great selection for a home based business? Well read further and you will get the answers.

Consumer Choice Marketing (CCM) provides cheaper services that people and companies use on a daily basis because they need them, not just want them. And everyone pays for them monthly. Another point to consider, stepping into a well established market.

These utilities are services that people already are buying on a monthly basis. One good consideration when looking at a home based business is to be involved in what people are already buying. CCM does that by offering these services or utilities at a lower price. Any household or company is always looking for savings on those fixed expenses, this naturally makes the bottom line better.

These utilities are as follows...internet, home and business phone service, cable/satellite, natural gas, electricity, cell phones and cellular service and much more. Always adding the proper service for the CCM Brokers, the affiliate, to offer to the public and businesses.

CCM uses a network marketing business model for expansion because it is and always has been a very efficient and effective model for growth.

They also very wisely, harness the wealth creator of energy deregulation, but also add the other services, which makes it a national company while the rest of the states catch up with total deregulation of energy

The brokers, aptly named, because CCM is really a brokerage house of these utilities which is a great positive. Rather than be beholden to a single company, CCM has the ability to shop and negotiate with all the major service provides of these utilities, an effective business model to gather great deals that means more profitability to the broker and more savings to the customers. Which is makes CCM a WIN-WIN.

CCM did have their growing pains as most new companies do. At first, they outsourced their IT which did create some havoc in the field. So they decided to bring their IT in-house because no one cares about it more that themselves. Which was a great decision for stability and ease of use for the field and customers.

So how is it that the CCM Brokers market their services? Well CCM has made that very simple, it called the Online Utility Store. A remarkably user-friendly site that aides the potential client to making a decision of savings. The site has a listing of all the services that they provide, but the best thing is the savings calculator which makes it really easy for the potential client to compare their current monthly service payment to what CCM can offer them. It returns a monthly and yearly savings right there on the screen. So that anyone can see what the actual savings would be in order to make an informed decision.

Another thing that makes CCM unique, is that they capture the lucrative energy and telecom deregulation opportunities and roll them into one platform for any individual to capitalize on by offering lower prices on these services that everyone uses on a daily basis. Again, not because they want to, but NEED to.

When you total all these industries on a yearly basis, you are talking about well over a half a trillion dollars. This business gives anyone the opportunity to get a slice of that industry on a monthly basis in residual income.

CCM is also a forward thinking company with plans to expand into Canada and the United Kingdom. This ensures long-term growth and expansion which is important when deciding on a home based business or any business for that matter. Also, the industries are growth industries and ever green. CCM wants to have a million customers or more in the next 5 years or less.

Doug Teskey, originally from Canada, is the CEO and Founder of Consumer Choice Marketing. Doug went to play professional hockey in Europe. When he left the game, he became an energy broker himself in Europe for many years. Came back home to Canada and found savings for his household expenses by way of his vast knowledge of the industry. When businesses started to ask him to do the same for them, that's when he created CCM.

Now can you see the path for CCM growth into Canada and the United Kingdom?

With ALL these elements swirling around CCM, you can see how CCM is an opportunity poised not only for long-term growth, but long-term success.

View the original article here

Step by Step Guide to Setting Up a Business Online for 6 Figure Earnings

It really isn't that hard to learn the step by step guide to setting up a business online or turning your passion and hobbies into money. The key fundamentals though is learning the most effective way to deliver your message, position you as the authority in your market and be able to sell the same products your competition sells bit at a higher price.

To learn the step by step guide to setting up a business today you will need to know first your intentions. What are your reasons for setting up a business? Doing this will give you motivation and a point you in the right direction for success. Do you want to make a couple hundred dollars or a couple hundred thousand dollars. Do you want to be highly involved or do you want to create a muse that makes you money without you being there?

Once you understand your intentions for this venture its time to discover the step by step guide to setting up a business is doing some market research. Wouldn't it be painful to spend a bunch of money in your venture and find out that there really isn't that much of a demand that you wanted? Well that's why you research. See competitive websites, do a url search using a website called quantcast to see what kind of people visit your competing websites. Find the keywords they use to find there sites and model what successful sites are doing.

The next part in the step by step guide to setting up a business is to take action. Even if you are not 100 % sure on what your doing, just do it and know your going to make mistakes along the way but those are just ways to learn and grow. Set up your website with an opt-in capture page for lead generation, a sales letter, a follow up email series, and a blog. That's all you need to get started dominating online.

After you marketing system is set up the next part in the step by step guide to setting up a business online is to test. Send 100 people to your site by advertising and see what happens. What are your conversion rates for leads. What about sales conversions from lead to sale. Knowing these numbers will help you make educated decisions to scale up and grow. Once you know these numbers you can figure out your risks when advertising in larger budgets making you more money in the long run.

Online MLM Marketing Is one of the best skills you can learn when it comes to attracting free leads to you. If you want to learn highly guarded traffic secrets click here now http://www.patrickmitsuing.com/

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gPant diaper, Small, 2 pack

gPant diaper, Small, 2 packThe G-Diaper, gPant is the most eco-friendly diaper available on the market today. The diapers are plastic-free, chlorine-free, latex-free, and perfume-free. The gPant is designed to keep your baby dry and comfortable and has been know to reduce the chances of baby rash because they are breathable. You can choose reusable cloth inserts or biodegradable inserts that can be tossed, composted, or flushed and will biodegrade much faster than any other diaper. Size Small.


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Protocol - Adrenal Cortisol Support - 90 Vcaps

Protocol - Adrenal Cortisol Support - 90 VcapsProtocol - Adrenal Cortisol Support 90c

Price: $32.00

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MLM Leads: Generate Hundreds of Leads on Skype

I stumble across a wonderful tool recently that has the potential of generating leads for you on Skype on autopilot. In this video post, I'll be showing you how to use the good leverage of this tool to help you out in your blogging efforts.

It is much more than a tool that can be used to chat and while away time; it can be used to help you in your home-based business efforts.

In case you have a very terrible internet connection that has not enabled you watch the above video, let me give you a step-by-step procedure for creating free leads on Skype.

The tool is called 'Rich Mood Editor'. It helps you create a custom mood mode where you can literally advertise what you want people on your Skype contacts to click.

What is so good about it is that every time someone comes to your Skype profile, the mood created is staring them in the face, blinking continuous such that it leaves them no option than to click it.

When they click it, it goes to the website you want them to go to, and if it is a lead capture page you have set your mood to, they become a lead.

On to the step-by-step procedures for creating your profile ad on your Skype using 'Rich Mood Editor'.

1. Open your Skype and go to Google on your browser. Type 'Rich Mood Editor download' and install it when the comes up. It will automatically install on your Skype.

2. On your Menu bar, click 'Tools', then 'Extras'. You will see the 'Rich Mood Editor' plugin right above 'Organize your Extras'. Click it.

3. On the 'Rich Mood Editor' Interface that comes up, take the time to soak in what is on the interface first.

4. Type 'Get Paid to Prospect', Press Enter and type 'FREE Training Shows You How'.

5. Highlight all the text you have typed and click 'B', click 'Center'.

6. Highlight only the 'Get Paid to Prospect'. Click the color dropdown and click the red color.

7. Highlight only the 'FREE Training Shows You How'. Click 'Link'.

8. In the 'Making Link' Interface that shows, type the site you want and click 'Save'.

9. Close the 'Making Link' interface, and go back to the 'Rich Mood Editor' Interface.

10. Pay attention to this: On the Menu Bar, use your mouse to hover on the 6th tab, and the 'Set rich mood to Skype'. Click it, and voila it should appear on your Skype profile.

11. Check your profile and check it out.

12. Now go back and change all the 'Rich Mood Editor' settings to your taste. The one you just did is my setting at the time of my video. Now go ahead and adjust to your taste and personal link, website, or capture page.

I like this tool because anytime anyone comes to my profile; they are inclined to click it. When anyone is chatting with you, they see your link blinking and they want to click it until they click it.

Tip: You might also want to add more friends on Skype to increase your exposure.

Watch the video version of this article at Home-Based Business Coach.

View the original article here

Victoria Classic Gdi- C2Cdrw 50'S Style 3-In-1 Entertainment Center With Cd Burner - Portable & Personal Audio

Victoria Classic Gdi- C2Cdrw 50'S Style 3-In-1 Entertainment Center With Cd Burner - Portable & Personal AudioRecord Player, Radio & Cd Player/Burner; Records Audio Content Directly From The Built-In Record Turntable To Cd; Built-In Am/Fm Radio; 2 Full-Range Speakers Deliver Stereo Sound; Digital Lcd Display With Backlight; Includes Full-Function Remote & Function Selector; Dim: 6.75"H X 13.25"W X 14.5"D

Price: $317.21

Click here to buy from Amazon

gPant diaper, Large, 2 Pack,

gPant diaper, Large, 2 Pack,The G-Diaper, gPant is the most eco-friendly diaper available on the market today. The diapers are plastic-free, chlorine-free, latex-free, and perfume-free. The gPant is designed to keep your baby dry and comfortable and has been know to reduce the chances of baby rash because they are breathable. You can choose reusable cloth inserts or biodegradable inserts that can be tossed, composted, or flushed and will biodegrade much faster than any other diaper. Size Large.


Click here to buy from Amazon

Achieving Passive Income

Passive income could be considered almost like the Holy Grail of Internet marketing or any other money making business opportunity. The streams for this kind of income require some time and energy to set up and start up, but it must be done correctly, can be put on virtual auto-pilot and it starts cranking out revenue without a lot of additional effort your part.

Many people are under the mistaken illusion that passive income could be created only by successful 'guru' type. These would be internet marketers who do a massive mailing list and high-profile people who do joint ventures with each other.

This form of income is indeed a goal that anyone who is willing to put in time and effort, can most certainly achieve and much quicker than anyone may think possible. You have to make decision and determination to take action and stay in the game until you achieve what you started, focusing on creating results and learning from your mistakes in order to achieve your goal.

Here are some ideas for creating this kind of income streams:

With digital technology products, use your knowledge and expertise (if you have some) to create a product whether it be a video, audio program or a text eBook, you create this product once, but you keep on selling it for years generating repeatable cash.

Sell advertising on your website

Design a successful website or blog on a good and popular topic. Work on generating a lot of traffic and then start to accept and sell advertising on your site. Visit similar blogs in your field of business and get an idea of how much they do charge vs. how much traffic they are generating. Create your own price list for different sizes ad spots for your site and then send invitation to advertisers to purchase ads on your site.

Pre-selling and producing up interest and demand for other people's products, is a low-cost way to start generating this form of income streams. Ones you've created a blog, articles and videos with resources than it will start working for you. But what you are marketing, has a recurring income component, you're selling the product once, but enjoying the returns for as long as the customer stays with the program.

Multi-level/ Network Marketing

When you join a network marketing company and when you start selling products for them, and begin recruiting others to sell products under you, you are creating a passive income not only from their efforts, but from the efforts of that your down line recruits.

All of these ideas require an initial investment of time, energy, ideas and some money. But once you get them set well, it should and will run successfully, your efforts will begin generating income, and will repeat it many time over and over.

If you have grown tired of trading time for dollars, then go ahead and select one of the projects mentioned and begin investing the time and energy in building it for better tomorrow for you and your family. Ones you do one successfully, and then do it all over again thereby multiplying your passive income.

If You Ready to Start Building Multiple Streams of Residual Income for you and your family? Visit my website to see my recommendations and my Affiliates.

NOTE: If you're looking for an honest, ethical and legitimate opportunity to generate a full time income from home, click here.

For free training, free education, and a free income generating website, visit today.

View the original article here

Network Marketing in a Bad Economy (A Good Idea?)

Network marketing is a bad economy for some will seem like a waste of time and income, but for others, they will see it as it truly is... an opportunity to get ahead. The state of the economy never made a difference to some of the most successful entrepreneurs In the world, NO, for them it was a reason to take action.

Business Opportunities

Network marketing in a bad economy or a great economy is in fact STILL HERE. Looking back at some of the largest business opportunities in this industry we can see that it has truly never slowed down, as a matter of fact, when money is tight, most look for alternatives to generating extra income. This is why the network and multi level marketing industry has not only lasted, but literally grew larger over time.

While "we the people's" money is being given freely to everyone but us, "we the people" are extremely resourceful when it comes to putting food on the table and a roof over our heads. Many may scream SCAM when it comes to this particular industry and for some it could be rightfully so, but what about the millions who are succeeding with it? These individuals are the true entrepreneurs, those with gumption and those who truly wanted to change the financial situation they found themselves in.

Finding A Network Marketing Opportunity

The worst part about building a building business in this platform is choosing the right one for you. Today there is a plethora of different multi level opportunities spanning just about every known niche one could think of from health and wellness to home security. The most important factors however, on your search, should include the following:

· Entrance Fee· Membership Fee (is it monthly?)· Viability of Product and or, Services· Tools and Training Structure· Marketing Rules and Regulation (especially for the Internet)· Compensation Plan (how you get paid, when you get paid and how much you can get paid)· Getting A Good Sponsor or Up line

Completing your due diligence will be the most important step to finding any success with this type of business opportunity. When considering the list above, the most important process will be your research into the sponsor or immediate up line. Are they there for you? Will they help you facilitate the tools available? Will they be there for questions? Your success in the multilevel arena will be based on what you learned from them.

What About The Bad Economy?

Many of us who have found success as entrepreneurs can name a huge list of those who have built extremely successful business during the worst financial times imaginable! Besides, when we begin to literally pick apart opportunities and see the advantage of the Internet, we begin to see that although Main St is slow...the Internet is always growing.

Effort is needed when it comes to building any business online or offline, and there are programs and opportunities that have successful models already in place and ready for us. No matter what financial crisis we face as individuals or a nation it should not matter, what should matter is that we personally want to change it. Changing our own financial future lies only within us and can only be changed through determination, education and the willingness to do the WORK.

Network marketing even in a bad economy can be a great opportunity, but remember, there is a lot of work to be done, so don't be afraid of it. Many may "nay say" what you are about to do, but success here is much more likely than hitting the actual lottery. Complete your due diligence, find a product or service that you believe is viable and get to work....it could change your own personal economic future.

There is a NEW age of entrepreneurship, business ownership and opportunity that has emerged creating massive success for individuals every day. Learn more about the power behind this business model by visiting FamilyUnlimitedOpp.com

Through proven training and solid effort, David J. Boozer has transitioned from a successful top Insurance Producer to a successful Online Business owner and Entrepreneur. To learn how to find true marketing success online and the potential of creating a lasting and passive income from home please visit David at FamilyUnlimitedOpp.com

View the original article here

Breaking Down The Facts About Waiora

A brief overview of Waiora

This company was founded back in 2004 and has a combined experience of 130 years. That being said, it's safe to say that there is a lot of veteran savvy in the upper echelon of Waiora. The target industry for their products is the the health and anti-aging industry because it's a an area that is growing rapidly. Baby boomers comprise most of their target market (a hefty 77%) and are looking to slow the aging process while growing their finances. There are a few key statistics to note in support of the product line this company has to offer:

Every day, 13,000 baby boomers turn 50
The population over 50 will jump from one quarter to one third by 2012
80% of baby boomers are still expected to work after retirement age
83% of all U.S. households purchase some sort of nutritional supplement

Keeping these things in mind, you can see why Waiora has created a product line targeting this particular market.

Products that Waiora sells

The product line covers three main areas: nutritional, weight management and personal care.

The nutritional products are created to help rid your body of toxins and fill those voids with essential vitamins and minerals. They provide you with 150 of the life-essential nutrients in one shot that provide 100% of the RDA of the vitamins and minerals necessary for your health. They also have an activated zeolite product that helps cleanse your body and a patented Agaricus Blazei hybrid mushroom that enhances your immune system.

The weight management products (waiFIT) are designed to cleanse your body for seven days, jump start your metabolism via a fat burner, and stops carbohydrates and fats through a neutralizer; all this without depriving your taste buds.

The personal area is covered by Skincents. This product line is designed in a four step approach to revitalizing your skin. They are vitamin, mineral and botanical based, won't clog pores, not tested on animals and don't include parabens, mineral oil or fragrances.

How to get paid at Waiora

The best part of this company is the chance to make money. There are three ways to make money in Waiora: immediate, residual and bonus. Immediate payout is determined by the level of your start up order.

Basic (less than 275$) - Payout is retail and fast start
PaceSetter (less than $700) - Same as basic but with a bonus
Premier (less than $1500) - Same as PaceSetter but with bigger bonus

Through the residual income stream in Waiora, you can get overrides from your team on up to nine levels. You can get paid up to 10% in the area you are most likely to recruit people. Your income level can start at Gold ($2,115) to Blue Diamond ($1,075,974). Not too bad for a part time business.

Through the bonus feature, you will want to advance quickly to the Ruby level because that's when you get 1% of the sales volume of every team in the country. At Diamond level, you can increase that to 2%.

This compensation plan is definitely something to be excited about and it's important to stay plugged into the training Waiora has to offer. To accelerate the growth of your network marketing success, consider adding some online mlm training and start learning how to attract leads to your business. By being consistent and continually learning, you can reach your income dreams in no time.

There's a lot more to know about this Waiora Review. To find out how to become a top earner in this company, grab free training for this Waiora Review now.

View the original article here


How to Drive Targeted Traffic to Your Home Based Business

Starting and running a home based business is getting more and more popular these days with the continuing growth and development of the online market and the internet in general. Furthermore, this shouldn't come as a surprise considering the fact that home based businesses have a lot of benefits that other types of businesses don't have. First, it is much cheaper to start, build and maintain. Second, you have potential for unlimited growth. And third, you are your own boss so have absolute control over the business.

The success of a home based business depends on a lot of things. One of the most important of these is traffic, targeted traffic that is. As with any kind of online entity, the more traffic your business gets, the more ground it can cover towards success. With that said, you have to devote a large portion of your time driving traffic to your business website.

If you are a beginner when it comes to traffic-building, here are the most basic ways on how to do it:

Search engine optimization. If you want to become a really effective internet marketer, you have to learn SEO. Ask anyone who had any experience in online marketing and he or she will readily tell you that search engine traffic is the best and the most targeted type of traffic out there. The best thing about search traffic is that it is free. You don't have to spend a fortune to get them to your site. SEO is not that difficult to learn either. It's just a matter of creating content that revolves around important search keywords and tweaking the design of your site so that it will be a lot easier for search engine spiders to crawl.Take advantage of social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, StumbleUpon, etc. A content of yours that gets popular in any of these sites can instantly bring thousands of good traffic to your home based business website.Submit content to online article directories. All you have to do is write articles with topics related to your business then submit them to directories. This not only drives traffic, it also passes link juice as well.Make use of the tools and resources online that can help you build and develop your business towards success. One example of these resources is MLSP/MyLeadSystemPro. This resource helps you build successful and profitable home businesses.

If you take note of all of the above tips and actually put them into action, your home based business will be receiving a ton of targeted traffic in no time.

Imagine if you could work for less than an hour a day and still attract 10-20 new leads per day... or more. Imagine personally sponsoring 10-15 new team builders per month without annoying friends and family or wasting time cold calling tire-kickers and people not interested in your opportunity. Imagine finally using a proven attraction marketing system literally guaranteed to produce a result once you have it set up.

Check out more info on Home Based business to discover exactly what you need to know to painlessly and profitably attract and generate all the fresh Home Based business traffic you and your team could ever handle. It's easy, It's powerful. It's life-changing.

View the original article here

Network Marketing Tips (Not Tricks)

You may have arrived here looking for network marketing tips that will propel your business to certain success in less than the time it takes to bat an eyelash. If so, you'll be disappointed with this article (and probably with your long-term business success too). You see, network marketing as a business model has been around for over a century and during that time many ideas, tricks, tactics, techniques and whiz-bang gizmos have had their 15 minutes of fame. But, the principles for building a long-term,stable network marketing business haven't changed much. Ask yourself honestly whether you are ready to learn and apply time-tested business principles to your network marketing business or whether you are looking for get-rich quick tricks.

Network Marketing Tips for Time Management

Time is your #1 most precious resource. Guard it wisely. As you take on the role of a leader in your team, the demands on your time will be intense. Develop limits and share them with your team early to avoid having your business suck up every available second.

Specific network marketing tips for time management include...

Schedule an end time for all meetings and events and stick to it.
Insist that team members pre-qualify a prospect before you (as an upline) spend time with the person.
In a third-party upline situation, give no more than 15 minutes of your time for a first interaction. (You will protect your calendar this way and make yourself seem more desirable because you don't have all day to spend with one person.)
Don't get in your car unless you've spoken to the person by phone. If they sound like a lousy prospect on the phone, don't spend 2 hours driving to see them. Duh.
Set aside team office hours for coaching and advice. Perhaps between 3-4:30 pm. Respond to inquiries from your downline ONLY during those hours. Give them instructions for how to reach you "in an emergency" and give clear rules for what defines "an emergency".
Make a video of frequently asked questions and refer people to it. Do not answer any question on the phone that is already answered by your FAQ video.
Spend 80% of your time with your top producers and 20% of you time with everyone else. People have to earn your face-time and attention by making positive things happen first.
Teach your emerging leaders to follow these network marketing tips for time management.

Network Marketing Tips for Recruiting

Recruiting is the lifeblood of your business. The enthusiasm and initial bulk orders of new distributors are essential to your team momentum and growth. Recruiting is a skill just like riding a surfboard. Very few people are "natural" recruiters. And, no amount of watching other people recruiting is a substitute for getting out and doing it yourself. (Think about the surfboard analogy).

Recruiting also has parallels to baseball. If you are batting 300 in baseball you are doing really well. But that still means that you don't get on base 70% of the time. Baseball is a game of learning to accept frequent failure and celebrate rare successes. Recruiting in network marketing is the same. You must mentally expect to fail most of the time and take joy in the successes.

Specific network marketing tips for recruiting include...

Practice, practice, practice...recruiting is a skill.
Practice out loud. Practice with a mirror. Practice with people.
Schedule some practices. (Just like baseball, not every day is day game. Have you ever left your house thinking "Today I'm going to practice my recruiting?" Probably not. You probably leave the house intending to recruit. Try telling yourself the whole day is about practice, and see how different your attitude is.)
Learn how to invite, before you try to learn to recruit. The art of inviting is what the new person needs to perfect. If you can invite someone to an event and have them show up, the host of the event will do the recruiting. HINT: Poor inviters are never great recruiters. Become a master inviter first.
Only recruit when you are happy. Keep some happy music nearby or play with your puppy before you recruit.
Recruiting lasts until at least 30 days after the enrollment. Once the prospect has signed the paperwork or placed their first order you actually need to keep recruiting them. They aren't fully on board or committed until they have a recruit of their own.
Teach your emerging leaders to follow these network marketing tips for recruiting.

The world of online network marketing is vast and confusing. Some might say it is hostile to the new-comer with lots on entrenched experts selling the newbies systems and tools that they really don't need. We understand that it is hard to know who to trust.

Give us the opportunity to earn your trust and confidence. We created networkmarketingleadsblog.com to provide the best network marketing content without any of the BS. Just for stopping by you can pick up 3 different free ebooks and several cool tools.

To get the real deal and lots of cool free gifts, click here - Network Marketing Tips

P.S. Do you ever have trouble explaining the Network Marketing Business Model is a way that prospects understand? This article shares a great way of teaching the fundamentals of the network marketing business model using language and principles that all people are familiar with.

View the original article here

4 Life Research - The Pros and Cons of the 4 Life Research Opportunity

4 Life Research, from a third party prospective, appears to be a great opportunity for the entrepreneur looking into network marketing. I always love to see companies that promote the body's immune system, as it's a great counter for all the drugs dispensed these days by western culture physicians. The 4 Life products can be compared with human breast milk, which is a huge immunity builder! And it's not a new fly by night product, as there have been over 50 years of scientific research in this area.

If you're thinking about going into the 4 Life Research opportunity, you may want to consider the pros and cons before you take the plunge....

4 Life Research Pros:

- All 4 Life products have been patented, over 75 products contributing to wellness, including pet and elderly care

- There is a 30 day money back guarantee for 4 Life products.

- The commission structure is generous, the traditional MLM structure, allowing commissions both retail and from others who sell in your downline.

- There are great rewards and bonuses for top marketers, including vacation trips.

4 Life Research Cons:

- The 4 Life products are not FDA approved. (As far as I'm concerned, this is not a concern, but it makes it very difficult, if not impossible, to promote to physicians and veterinarians.)

- As with most non-drug wellness products, they have long-term results, so your customers won't be able to assess how well the products are helping.

- The wellness market is saturated, so a lot of folks tend to have a mind block about being open to new MLM wellness products.

- In order to achieve a successful income level, you need a minimum amount of monthly total sales to qualify for commissions and bonuses. As with any MLM, a team of recruited reps under you is required before you see any real income.

If you're worried about the "pyramid scheme" gossip, don't be concerned, as 4 Life Research is just as valid a company as most. But like any MLM, you need to prepare yourself to work hard. Don't buy into the "hope" that if you just recruit two who recruit two, then you're set for life. The multilevel professionals themselves can attest to the fact that this actually doesn't work. But that's not to say it's not possible.

The main problem with marketing 4 Life Research is the same as with most multilevel companies. You need a marketing system in place that is duplicable. Because, realistically, you have to take into consideration that 95% of the people you recruit in your downline will quit. That's the statistic. As a third party marketer who is familiar with how network marketing companies work, I strongly suggest marketing online.

Here's your 4 Life Research Blueprint for Marketing Online...

Step number 1: Brand yourself as the expert.

Of course, you will need to invest some time and money in training yourself first, because none of us are simply born experts! However, once you learn just a few important tips, you've got one up on the guy who doesn't know, so to him, you're the expert. You can easily brand yourself as an expert online when you establish a personal blog.

Step number 2: Promote your blog.

Surely this can't surprise you...just like in any other business; you need to spend money to make money. However, if you're hurting for money, there are a lot of methods available today with only a small financial outlay up front. And some techniques can be purchased with only a one time fee. I personally prefer article marketing because, once leads are generated, your link stays on Google for no additional cash outlay.

Step number 3: Establish relationship with your new leads.

Once the traffic starts building, the leads are available! The expert network marketers use an automatic email responder system, or "autoresponder". This inexpensive tool will make immediate contact with the leads via email. Marketing becomes fun and exciting when you start to see the autorsponder messages your email inbox advising you that you have leads!

Don't be too overwhelmed with these initial steps for 4 Life Research online marketing. I'll be right around the corner to help you along the way. You can start by clicking the link in this article and begin learning step-by-step, absolutely free, how the top earners in 4 Life Research are using the newer systems for building their downline and creating massive success!

View the original article here

Agel Marketing Secrets - How To Make Money In Agel

Agel marketing can be a confusing concept to new reps that get involved - reason being Agel is just a vehicle; an opportunity for entrepreneurship. It is up to you (the Agel ) to be taught in what way or manner to really market and earn a substantial income. It may seem easy on the surface to just get involved, get a few friends to sign up & BANG - you're a millionaire...but - in case you have not figured this out yet, that is not the way Agel works, nor is it the way that anyone in the multi-level marketing community builds a trustworthy enduring living. In this piece of writing I'm going to provide you several marketing tips to help you achieve fruition in the Agel biz opp. Be warned - the things we are about to dig into might be completely distinctive from what anyone in Agel has told you before. That being said, what you are about to get the hang of IS in fact exactly what the top earners in Agel are carrying out on a daily basis to achieve profit.

And so let's get right into it - the initial concept I need to dig into when it comes to Agel marketing is mindset. I know, I know, you're ready to get down and dirty & learn marketing - however, without the right mindset, you're destined to flat out FAIL. What is the mindset you need to have? you've got to know in your mind that no matter what - you will get to the top. you have got to commit to carrying out whatever it takes, to get there - even if it means stepping outside of your comfort zone.

The following concept is that you have to comprehend WHAT it is that you're marketing - it is not your business opportunity, & it is not the tremendous product line that Agel offers. What you are advertising is solely YOU. You're the appeal that not a single person has. How many other me-too's are out there pitching the Agel business opportunity? You have to stand out - & you do that by branding yourself as a leader, as somebody of value. Have you looked on Facebook lately? Do you notice all the 'spamsters' out there attempting to barter their opportunity to everybody with a pulse? I am here to tell you - that does NOT work. Those distributors are newbies, & honestly - if you are doing that: STOP it! How far has it gotten you? All it does is annoy the 'H-E double hockey sticks' out of your buddies and the people that are simply trying to socialize.

...Which brings me to the next concept: WHO do you promote to? Knowledgeable marketers in Agel are not out there trying to bring in Aunt Bertha or spam their Facebook wall. They are strategically placing the business in front of the people that are looking for them. You promote to people that are seeking a solution to their problems - folks that are either seeking out a biz opp, or those that are already in one but looking for a new one. Lots of times, people are already in network marketing but looking for a leader to follow. If you can be that guy or gal that is out there standing out, giving valuable information, folks will become attracted to you & want to join you in Agel.

And, if you are unquestionably wanting to take your Agel marketing efforts to the next level and be taught how to recruit three to five folks each week into your company, you'll want to gain access to my FREE & limited Agel Marketing Training. There you'll be taught from what source the top one percent earners in Agel are leveraging their time by solely speaking to qualified individuals that are already interested in their business - AND how they are avoiding rejection for good by doing so!

View the original article here

Marinex 1-1/3-Quart Pudding Mold

Marinex 1-1/3-Quart Pudding MoldMarinex Glass Bakeware production began over 50 years ago by Santa Marina, the largest glass manufacturer in Latin America. Located in Brazil, Santa Marina has been producing different glass products since 1895. The factory location is close to raw material deposits of boron and sand which is rich in color and quality. During the production process, these raw materials are combined using heat to make borosilicate glass. Borosilicate glass is resistant to changes in temperatures used in cooking and baking. The raw materials also give Marinex glass bakeware a slight bluish tint consistant throughout all pieces. Marinex Glass Bakeware offers several shapes and sizes that have countless uses in culinary activities and are prominent by their beauty, durability, and ease of cleaning. It can be used to prepare, bake, and serve food as well as to freeze prepared food. It is safe for both conventional ovens and microwave ovens. Marinex Bakeware can go from the freezer/refrigerator to a pre-heated oven where the oven temperature does not exceed 100C or 212F to start. However, Marinex Bakeware should not be used on stovetop burners or over a direct flame. This is a 1.3qt. pudding mold that measures 6" x 2-3/8". All Marinex bakeware is dishwasher safe. Item #GD16483012

Price: $12.99

Click here to buy from Amazon


Ready-Aire 0399036 Heater Core

Ready-Aire 0399036 Heater CoreVista-Pro Automotive 399036 Heater Core

Price: $48.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

gPant diaper, Medium, 2 Pack,

gPant diaper, Medium, 2 Pack,The G-Diaper, gPant is the most eco-friendly diaper available on the market today. The diapers are plastic-free, chlorine-free, latex-free, and perfume-free. The gPant is designed to keep your baby dry and comfortable and has been know to reduce the chances of baby rash because they are breathable. You can choose reusable cloth inserts or biodegradable inserts that can be tossed, composted, or flushed and will biodegrade much faster than any other diaper. Size Medium.


Click here to buy from Amazon

The MLM Marketing Ebook That Takes You To MLM Glory

I've been through years of struggle in this industry and been roared through many MLM Marketing ebooks in my lifetime. I remember the heart break of doing home presentations only to be in an all out battle explaining why my MLM company isn't a scam. I remember spending the little money I had left to travel distances to do presentations and make nothing out of it.

But I stayed persistence and committed to the goal of serenity, the goal of true enlightenment. It wasn't until I got my hands on this particular MLM Marketing ebook that things started changing drastically for me. It was like the holy grail of network marketing and my perspective of MLM would never be the same after.

I had to read the MLM Marketing ebook about 10x because each time I did I would learn some new insight and new gem at the place and time I was at growing as a leader. This ebook taught me how to not worry so much about prospects but to take on a new positions. A position of empowerment that allowed me to have abundance and leverage. To now having up to 15,000+ people visit my site on a monthly basis all coming to me.

This MLM Marketing ebook also changed my position in terms of empowerment. I no longer feel like a prospect is doing me a favor by joining my business. Instead I would be giving my prospect a favor because now they can tap into my knowledge of marketing and learn specific things that would empower them as an entrepreneur. Because of what I now know because of this, I am my greatest business asset.

I now know because of this specific MLM Marketing ebook that its not my company compensation plan, the products, the awards it gets or any outside force that determines my success. The only thing that can determine your success is YOU, and it is directly proportionate on what you feed yourself. Not feed yourself necessary in food, but what kind of knowledge you feed yourself.

The MLM Marketing ebook was not the one all be all book to success, but it was the turning point that put me in the fastest route to it. Since then I have read thousands of pages in personal development and success principles. Modeling successful people was the speed I needed to get things going faster. So the moral of the story is don't be afraid to learn, don't be afraid to invest in YOU because YOU are the path to YOUR success.

MLM Marketing System Is one of the best skills you can learn when it comes to attracting free leads to you. If you want to learn highly guarded traffic secrets click here now http://www.patrickmitsuing.com/

View the original article here

TAPE2USB Cassette To PC Recorder

Record your cassette tapes directly to your PC or Mac with the TAPE2USB, a fully functional cassette deck with counter function and built-in 2.5-inch speaker. The volume-adjustable speaker allows you to listen to your cassettes or simply monitor the music as you download it. It offers a plug and play USB audio interface with no drivers required. It also includes Audacity software for PC and Mac, allowing you to edit recordings during converting cassettes to CD.


After you download your music to your PC or Mac you can listen to your songs via any media player (including iTunes or Windows Media Player), upload them to your iPod or even burn your music to a CD. The TAPE2USB even includes RCA stereo connections and cable if you desire to listen to your cassettes through your home stereo system.

Key Features

  • Cassette tape deck records from auxiliary sources via cassette tape deck to PC
  • Record level indicator and record level control
  • CrO2 Tape play and CrO2 record buttons
  • Counter display and reset
  • 2.5-inch, 1W monitor speaker (mono) and volume control
  • Records and plays in stereo sound
  • Records and plays from cassettes to PC
  • Records from auxiliary sources to cassettes
  • Cassette and line-in selection button
  • USB connection
  • RCA In record R/L jacks; RCA Out play R/L jacks
  • Audacity software discs for PC and Mac

What's in the Box

USB recordable cassette player, Audacity recording software, AC adapter, USB cable, RCA audio cable, operating instructions

Price: $99.97

Click here to buy from Amazon

Free And Low-Cost Ways to Advertise Your MLM Business On The Internet

Is your MLM producing the profits you expected? Are you struggling to find quality leads? Have you purchased leads or lead-generating software, and spent hours working those leads, only to find they did not produce the results you were looking for? Have you turned to Facebook and Twitter as a means to build friends and followers, only to get the same, disappointing results? You are not alone! These are the same results many people are experiencing with their online business.

Did you know there are free and low-cost ways to advertise your MLM business on the internet. Before you decide to walk away from your MLM business, frustrated and disappointed in the very products and company that once had you excited and motivated, maybe it's time for you to take a step back, and try a different approach to how you are marketing yourself and your products online.

No one ever said that MLM sales would be easy. It's a hard business, and it requires a lot of hard work. But, it can be done. To build your business, you must be able to reach hundreds, if not thousands, of potential customers. It will be very difficult, if not impossible, to build a successful MLM business by selling to your neighbors, family, or business colleagues. Most of us simply do not know enough people to make this strategy work. So, how do you get yourself and your product out there for thousands of people to see? You create your own online brand and market yourself and your product online!

Success online requires three things:

A good work ethic.PatienceLearning how to market online.

The internet has changed the way we market forever. The internet is a powerful, it's effective and mastering online marketing is the key to building a successful online business. Marketing online is simple, but it is NOT easy. There are no secrets and there are no shortcuts, but there are plenty of tools available to help you succeed.

Here are a few examples of free and low-cost ways to advertise your MLM business on the internet:

Article MarketingVideo MarketingBloggingPress Releases

The key to successfully marketing any product or service online, is having the skills to get your websites, articles and videos on the first page of a Google search query. If you are the search result on the third or fourth page, no one will ever find you, and you will not be successful. Don't make the mistake so many people make by believing that a website alone will increase your business. Don't get me wrong, you need a professional looking website, but, having a great website is only the first step in reaching your potential customers. You must have the ability to drive targeted traffic to your websites, if you want to succeed online.

Don't let small profits and frustration drive you away from your MLM business. Take a step back, try a different approach and learn internet marketing. Learning how to effectively market online and taking advantage of the free and low-cost ways to advertise your MLM business on the internet can help you achieve the level of success you've been looking for!

If you would like more information on free and low-cost ways to advertise your MLM business on the internet, we invite you to check out our website at http://mlm.realmoneyteam.com/. We offer lots of advice and services to help you build your business, conquer the world of online marketing, and get the financial results you've been working so hard for!

Don't walk away from your MLM business frustrated, broke and disappointed. Visit our website first. If you are committed to being the best you can be in MLM sales, we can help!

View the original article here

Windows Graphics Programming: Win32 GDI and DirectDraw (Hewlett-Packard Professional Books)

Windows Graphics Programming: Win32 GDI and DirectDraw (Hewlett-Packard Professional Books)A handbook for delivering high-performance Windows applications using Win32 GDI and Direct Draw. Completely demystifies the creation of Windows graphics. The CD-ROM contains system-level tools, kernel mode drivers, sample code, and C++ classes. System requirements: Windows 95+, CD-ROM drive. DLC: Computer graphics.

Price: $59.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

Corridos Censurados

UK digitally remastered reissue combines the soundtracks for two classic Hammer films, 'She' (composed by James Bernard) & 'The Vengeance Of She' (composed by Mario Nascimbene). Pressed onto a picture disc. Includes lavishly illustrated 16 page full color

Price: $6.98

Click here to buy from Amazon


Review of Team Beachbody

Team Beachbody is a solution for fitness and health to gain muscle, lose weight, or just get healthy again. The company will inform, motivate, and support all your needs. When joining the Team, the members reach their goals about three times faster than non-members. A person can try out the Team Beachbody membership for free with limited access and try things out. If they like the program they can become full members and pay every quarter for around thirty-nine dollars.

The membership will include:
* Personalized meal plans
* On all purchases 10% off
* A personal coach that will support and guide you
* VIP access which will include webinars, videos, guest speakers that are experts and trainers, recipes and nutrition tips
* Forum or message boards to make new friends and work out partners
* logging in your workouts daily on the WOWY SuperGym board for a chance to win prizes and cash

Now, on the flip side of this is a business opportunity called Team Beachbody Coach. A person can go into business for themselves, make some extra money, and help people out. It costs forty dollars to go into your own business and a website is provided for you at fifteen dollars a month. There is an online office provided and many tools to help make the Team Beachbody successful. With being a Coach for Team, the website will have memberships that a commission can be made off of along with products. To stay active in the business an auto ship of a product of your choice is done monthly. Your customers can do this too. This is another way to make some additional money with Team Beachbody.

Besides the memberships that Team Beach body has, is the product Shakeology. This healthy shake replaces one meal per day with all the nutrition and vitamins that the body requires everyday. There is phytonutrients, antioxidants, enzymes, protein, and prebiotics. Sacha Inchi, Camu-Camu, and Adaptogens are ingredients that are rare to give nutrients that are essential and is also provided in the Team Beach body shakes. Team Beach body also provides nutritional supplements in the form of pills and powders. Items that will help lose weight, a multivitamin, joint and bone health, Omega-3, build muscle, and energy. There are also protein bars besides the shakes with Team Beachbody.

If a person was interested in maintaining their weight, losing their weight, or just trying to become healthy again, Team Beachbody is worth checking into. With so many tools, trainers, and help constantly available, there would be enough motivation and willpower through Team Beach body. Then, return the favor by helping out someone else and becoming a coach through Team Beachbody by joining the business for more great benefits.

Jim McGilvary is an expert at creating massive prosperity in the MLM profession, and if you want to understand how to succeed with Beachbody, visit his blog to read the full written Beachbody Review now.

View the original article here

Is Melaleuca an Honest Business?

There are many companies out there that you would want to stay away from. Melaleuca is not one of them. After an extensive review of their company and policies, it is safe to say that there is no Melaleuca Scam.

Melaleuca is run by Frank Vandersloot, who has been tat the helm pretty much since its inception. With his leadership the Melaleuca has seen consistent growth and has continued to add products and services. As a user of these products, I can tell you that they are quality and affordable. So while some may feel that Melaleuca is a scam, they truly have not spent the time to get to know the company.

As a testament to the quality of products and company that they are, Melaleuca has had a five year run as an Inc. 500 company. They are privately held and owe no debt. They have shown stability for many years and have grown organically without the need to borrow funds to continue their growth.

While not the most lucrative plan out there today, Melalueca still has created a program that allows its customers and members to buy a limited number of products allowing them to buy just what they need. Unlike some companies that force you, through auto ship, to buy thousands of dollars worth of product that you don't need or use. That is a huge difference between Melaleuca and many companies who can be construed as a scam.

The result is that Melaleuca boasts a retention rate over 90% for its customers. While most MLM companies lose as much as 97% of their members due to costs, lack of quality of product and the most important issue, the inability to grow their business either due to lack of training or support from their team.

In this area Melaleuca is no different than many of the other companies out there. While individuals within the membership have figured out ways to help their teams be successful, most still start with a focus on old school marketing methods and friends and family, "their warm market".

That is why many distributors feel that most of the MLM and home distribution companies are scams. When in fact they just haven't had the right tools to be able to grow their business. They alienate their friends and family and the begin spending money on expensive and generally worthless leads. What they are not aware of, is that there is a whole cottage industry growing up around social media and the internet and with the right tools they too can be successful.

So if you are thinking about getting into Melaleuca, or are already involved and have run out of ways to market your company, or you are just thinking about the benefits of being involved in a MLM company but are afraid of the risks and downside, I can help you to find a better way to reach your goals.

Scott Schreiber, retired from a successful career as a Mergers and Acquisitions expert as well as having a background in senior management, turn around projects and senior sales and marketing management.

His goal is to help small business owners succeed in a difficult economy through the use of internet tools and sound marketing principals. To get access to some of the free trainings provided and learn about how to truly be successful with your own business you can click on the links below:


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Rich Diesslins Funny General Cartoons - Dr. Jane Goodalls 50th anniversary at GDI - monkey grooming - Light Switch Covers - 2 plug outlet cover

Rich Diesslins Funny General Cartoons - Dr. Jane Goodalls 50th anniversary at GDI - monkey grooming - Light Switch Covers - 2 plug outlet coverDr. Jane Goodalls 50th anniversary at GDI - monkey grooming Light Switch Cover is new and handcrafted utilizing unique process resulting in a stunning high gloss ceramic-like finish. SET OF MATCHING SCREWS IS INCLUDED giving it a perfect finishing touch. Made of durable metal material.

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Extra Income Ideas: How to Go About Making Money in MLM

Of all the extra income ideas available, and there are thousands, perhaps the most misunderstood is making money in MLM - Multi Level Marketing. Horror stories abound, most created and spread by folks who tried making money in MLM and failed. In a small percent of cases that may have really been due to the shoddy, poorly constructed, MLM program they tried to work. In almost all cases that I know about, however, they failed because they were not properly schooled - taught - in how to go about network marketing. Mechanics study auto repair. Beauticians study cosmetology. You better believe that those who are making money in MLM studied network marketing.

Extra income ideas seem to be everywhere today. There are programs you can do from home. There are programs you can do going door to door or setting up shop at flea markets. There are programs that use the internet - EBay, Amazon, blogging, Craig's list, and others.

All extra income ideas depend on one thing for success - proper training. Going about making money in MLM is never as simple as just sending out more postcards like the one you received. That is, in fact, among the worst methods to use if you want to succeed in MLM. Those who are successful in MLM marketing understand that.

How does one acquire the necessary training to succeed in MLM? There are two routes - both are legitimate. The first is to regularly set time aside to surf the web, entering search terms related to extra income ideas, especially those about MLM (phrases such as: MLM training. MLM Success. Network marketing success. MLM recruiting. Succeeding in MLM. MLM secrets. Network marketing articles. Extra income ideas. You get the idea.) Study the marketing techniques that you find. Take notes. Practice what you have learned and then try it out. This route to making money in MLM takes patience and persistence, and will consume a good deal of time, but it is a route that can work. All extra income ideas take work.
The second route is faster and more efficient. Find a network marketing training program which was developed by an expert - somebody who obviously knows about making money in MLM. Join the program. Learn the methods and techniques. Within a few weeks or months of serious study, you will be set to begin making money in MLM. You will know how to avoid the pitfalls and unproductive approaches. You will have learned specifically how to go about it. Many rapid starters chose the second route and were soon making good money in MLM.

Tom Gnagey is a successful educator and writer who studied today's premier MLM training program which is propelling him toward financial independence. Take a look right now! Visit his training blog for lots more free tips on how to succeed in MLM. http://www.savvymarketingmoves.com/

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The Power of the GDI DVD

We hope you’ve seen and shared the online version of our GDI DVD that explains everything you ever wanted to know in a way that is shareable and relatable. If you haven’t seen the DVD, check it out here. While the internet is a powerful tool and has become a huge part of network marketing, many of you have shared in the past that your still do part of your recruiting for your GDI opportunity offline. We want to continue bringing you the tools to do this, and that’s where the GDI DVD comes in.

Network Offline

For some prospects, the best way to get them interested and excited about the great opportunity that is GDI is to speak with them face to face. When you’re doing this, you might not want to break the flow of your personal presentation by sitting someone down at a computer to watch a video on GDI. This is where the DVD can come in. Once you have someone interested in GDI, send them away with a DVD to learn more about the power of GDI in their own home and on there own time. Having DVDs in your car, at home and your office are great to be sure to always have them on hand and ready to share with a new prospect you might meet offline

Share Right Away

Like we said above, sometimes, you don’t want to break the flow of a conversation just to direct someone to your website. To get the same benefits though, pass along your business card and a DVD. Your prospect will be able to visit your site and also learn about GDI at a time that is right for them.

A Tangible Reminder

Our affiliates are great at marketing and sharing the opportunity over the phone and online, but sometimes emails get lost among others and phone messages get accidentally deleted. This creates a time for GDI to just slip the mind of a new prospect. The DVD solves this issue by being a tangible reminder. The DVD is something you can touch; leave on your desk or in front of the TV to remind your prospects to learn more about GDI. Even better once your prospect has a DVD for themselves they can easily share it with out having to log online.

Everything You Need to Explain

The biggest benefit of the GDI DVD is that it has all the information a prospect needs to know to get started. The DVD is 39 minutes of the best information and tips for beginners interested in GDI. Just purchase the DVD, share with prospects and the work is done for you.

To get your copies of the GDI DVD to share with new prospects, visit www.DVD.ws

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How to Earn Passive Income - 4 Keys to Success

It has become extremely simple to learn how to earn passive income online because of the internet. Anyone can make massive amounts of money from home and create huge income streams by following a few simple principles. Following these steps can bring anyone success who wants it. Here we examine a few tips.

Mindset. Many people want to know how to earn passive income online and it is important to have a positive mindset. There are many benefits to owning your own internet business. For one you don't have a boss. You become the boss. For that same reason, you wear multiple hats since you are the only one in charge of your business. Your mindset determines the types of habits you form. Are you going to use your spare time directed towards your business consistently? If the answer is yes, then you will be on your way to massive monthly paychecks working from home.

Goals. Write down your goals. You want to have reasons to make money online. Make your goals big so you can shoot for them and see more results. More results equals more money. Make a daily goal. Make weekly goals. Make monthly goals. Writing them down and following them will keep you in the mode and more likely to see greater and greater results.

System & Education. When it comes to how to earn passive income online, it is important to use a profitable system and have access to the best training to show you what to do. You do not need to have previous experience and you can get a lot of education on how to make money online for free and no charge. Sometimes you can even get your own free website and start generating sales very quickly. Having the proper education ensures that you will know what to do, and obtaining goals and the mindset will come a lot easier.

Action. Wayne Gretzky once said you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. It is absolutely vital to apply everything you learn into action right away. When you want to know how to earn passive income online, know that results are all that matters. It is not how much time you put. It is all about results. So, the sooner you take action, the sooner the results will come in and the sooner you will be making sales and generating a lot of money.

Note: If you are looking for an honest and ethical way to generate a full-time income from home, click here.

For free education, free free training, and a free income generating website visit MakeMoneyWithComputer.org today.

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How To Find A Qualified MLM Prospect To Recruit for Your Business

Are you still having problems on generating a good lead for your MLM business? You know for a fact that if you want to be successful in expanding your MLM business you need to believe that the only foundation that will support your network marketing business is a good and effective lead.

The key factors to network marketing success are to sell products, recruit, and teach others to do the same. But an MLM business' lifeblood is lead generation; they are the ones who will work on the key factors. Your leads are your partners and they are vital in getting your business on top. Without them, your business might go on the rocks, in short you may fail. That is why you have to work hard do to be able to generate a successful lead to help put your MLM business on top.

When you are in an MLM business, you tend to rely on the help of your family, friends and acquaintances but this should not be the case as you are not sure if they are really the one; your perfect partner for your business. What you need to do is to find qualified MLM prospects to recruit for your business. And this is what I'm going to share with you in this article.

Most people search online for the right business opportunity. You must take advantage of these people as they are your perfect target for generating a good lead. What they are really looking for is someone who can take them where they want to go. They searched on the internet for a business with a good marketing plan but usually it also depend on how you, as a marketer promote your business. A person with a good persuading power and with an effective and comprehensive training, your prospects will actually contact you and join your opportunity because they believe and see you as a good leader and someone who can help them to be successful.

It is then advisable that the first thing you need to do is to establish a name for yourself as a professional in the MLM world by joining on several social media sites. There are blog sites and forum sites where you can join by answering queries about networking business and topics related to it, by doing so you can establish yourself as an expert and eventually get more trust from prospective clients.

Using other online marketing strategies can bring you considerable qualified targeted prospects that you can recruit to your business. Take advantage of these prospects who are seriously looking for business opportunities to generate income.

Spreading your product to the world through online marketing is not enough. You have to know how to find and attract qualified MLM leads.

If you want to learn more MLM skills please check this out http://www.firstclassmlmtools.com/

Mika Powers is a successful and professional online entrepreneur, he has helped many people become successful. He will actually help you succeed and create a better life through online marketing http://www.wecallyourmlmleads.com/

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3 Signs That You May Be a Jim Jones Network Marketer

James Warren "Jim" Jones was the founder and leader of the Peoples Temple, which is best known for the November 18, 1978 mass suicide of more than 900 Temple members in Jonestown, Guyana. Some network marketers have behaviors that are eerily similar to those Temple members that committed suicide by drinking the poison Kool-Aid. If you are a network marketer, this article will discuss 3 signs to be aware of so you won't end up drinking poison Kool-Aid.

Three Signs That You May be a Jim Jones Network Marketer

1.You think your company, products, and services are the best things since sliced bread.- The Jim Jones Temple members did not really think at all. They were just programmed by their leader to believe what he wanted them to believe.

Are you are you making prudent business decisions, because you take the time to think about the pros and cons of each business decision that you make?

Are you paying attention to your business cash flow, or are you spending money blindly on your business, because you just "gotta be at the next event"... or are you spending money on this course or that book, just to prove that you are "serious" about your business?

There is no need to go deeply into debt, just to prove that you are "serious" about your business. The reason that most people start a business is to make money.

You do not have to run out and buy every book or course that your upline recommends. Use free resources like the library and the internet until you get a positive cash flow in your business. Then reinvest the profits from your business to buy additional tools and resources.

There are thousands of network marketing companies. In each of these companies there are thousands of distributors, who are programmed by their company and their upline to run out and tell everyone how super fantastic their compensation plan, and/or products are.

Sure there are some good companies, products, and compensation plans out there, but realize that yours isn't the best. That is just an opinion that your company and your upline will benefit from financially, if you run out like a mindless Temple member, talking about your business to everybody who comes within three feet of you.

2. You make all of your business decisions when you are in a heightened emotional state- Network Marketing events are designed to use tools of influence like, social proof, to get you to spend your money.

Most people make not only bad financial decisions, but bad decisions period when they are very emotional.

Plan out all of your business expenses ahead of time, and don't run and buy more products and tools, just because you get overly excited at your network marketing event.

Think about who it is really benefiting when your company or your upline is encouraging you to spend more money.

3. You ignore warning signs that may be obvious to everyone else. Most people could see the warning signs before those Jim Jones temple members drank the poison kool-aid, and committed mass suicide.

Pay attention to the people that keep telling you that you need to buy this product or resource, or go to this event, or to run around like a chicken with your head cut off if you want to be successful in your network marketing business.

Sure people have "gotten rich" in network marketing by making a list of their friends and family, and by doing countless in-home presentations.

However, this strategy does not work for the average person, because making a list of your friends and family, and then running out and asking them "Do you keep your business options open" is not marketing.

Get 10 FREE network marketing videos that will teach you how to brand yourself, and market successfully on the internet at http://2kblogtribe.com/
Much Success,
Jeremiah Carstarphen, The Cartoon Coach

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