
Know Thy Prospect

We all know that marketing is the key to business. What if you opened a store selling tires but didn't know about marketing? How many tires do you think you would sell? Who would you sell them to? Your customers would be driving by your window without a clue that they could come to you when they needed tires. You must know about marketing in order to have a successful business.

Too many entrepreneurs get into home based businesses and don't know a thing about marketing even though that is what the industry is called, network marketing! They get all set up with top of the line nutritional products, super-duper cleaning products, totally fantastic weight loss regimens and then wait by the phone for the orders to come in.

Hopefully, it will occur to these marketers that they have to gather customers, or "drive traffic" to their product or opportunity in order to actually sell their wares. The first thing they will need to figure out in order to do this is who the people are that they want to connect with and where can they find them? Will these folks be at the mall, a local restaurant, the hair dresser, bank teller, or will that meeting happen on the internet? What rock will you have to turn over in order to make that sale?

Your job as a salesperson from here on out is to help your customer answer the following questions. What is it that they want? If you have connected with the right prospect the answer is simple, whatever you as salesperson have for sale! When is the right time to get this product? Of course, you will help your client answer, right now! Where can they get it? From you, and how can they get it? This can be done by purchasing the product with a credit card, of course.

But by far the hardest part of the marketing process is one that is essential to closing the deal. That is to know your prospect, because if you don't you will struggle. What would happen if you could read your customers' minds? Why you would be successful beyond your dreams. If you could find just the right way to communicate with them your work would be easy.

People are basically divided into four different groups: cause motivated, fact motivated, fun motivated, and money motivated. When you are able to discern which group your prospect belongs to you will be able to get inside their head and speak to them in a way that will draw them to you and allow you to close the sale easily.

Jan Fowler is an award winning author writing articles pertaining to business and internet marketing. She works and plays with her husband George and enjoys her 2 children everyday. Jan's goal is to assist people in getting results in their business and living the life they want. Join Jan and George and find out how to elevate your own business while getting support and education from an amazing team. Go to: http://www.workwithjanandgeorge.com/

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