I think one of the most neglected ways to build your network marketing business is hotel meetings. For some reason there is a stigma about them. I tend to think differently and think you can build a large business using them. Seriously you have your top leaders in your business doing a presentation for you while you sit back and entertain your guests. I personally have used hotel meetings to sponsor new reps into my business. Meetings have a psychological effect on people. People need social proof that something works, and when they see 100's of people working together they cannot help but want to be apart of it. Have you ever been to a meeting and your speaker was on fire and got you wanting to sign up again? Imagine what this is doing for your guest or guests. I highly suggest using meetings in your arsenal of growing your network marketing business. Now I want to give you information on how to turn meetings into your recruiting grounds.
You will operate your agenda differently when your bringing a cold contact versus a warm. Let's get started with the steps to success with hotel meetings.
Dress For Success- This applies to both cold and warm market prospects. It's pretty self explanatory, because you do not want to dress like a slob. Have you ever notice how great you feel when you get dressed up? This will come across to your prospects subconsciously. Also people want to work with successful people and not people who dress like bums. So dress like your a CEO for a large corporation and have fun with it!
Be Early- This applies to cold contacts you have never met and the meeting is your first interaction with the prospect. Get there early about 30 minutes before the meeting starts and invite your guest at the same time.This will give you plenty of time to build rapport with your prospect and introduce them to the rest of the team.Use this opportunity to edify the people and leaders you work with. Also when introduce them to your team bring up something positive about that person to make them feel good. When you do this your putting it in their head that they now have to live up to that compliment. Do not bring up anything about the business, just get to know them and find out more about them. This will come in handy later when your going to enroll them.
Pick Up Your Guests- Of course this applies only to warm market contacts. I do not suggest picking up cold contacts you have never met. When you pick up your guests it takes the pressure off them to drive to somewhere they have never been and they know have no excuse not to come. Being early also applies here to because you want to get to the meeting beforehand to introduce your guests and edify your team members and leaders. Also make sure your car is clean and your gas tank is full! These little things can make the difference.
Sit Up Front- No I'm not talking about sitting in the front row but sitting forward as your really into the meeting. I also highly suggest taking notes in front of your guests because they will pay more attention. They see your serious about it and so will they! If you act bored your guest will think it's boring.
Participate- All of the meetings I have been to involve some sort of participation. This is the opportunity to get involved and help your speakers out. This will get your guests fired up as well. When you clap and stand your guest will feel obligated to do the same. People follow other people and there is no exception at network marketing meetings.
Closing- Every meeting has some sort of cue to ask your guests where they stand on wanting to join the business. After the cue lightly touch your prospect and ask them what did you like about what you saw?
Let them talk and listen to their answers. Then ask them are they ready to get started? They might say Yes,No, or maybe. This is the time to answer their objections. Do not answer the objections yourself, simply introduce a expert and have them answer any questions your prospect might have. This gives them reassurance when it's their turn in your seat they will not have to know all of the answers.
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