If you are new to network marketing, you will need to ask yourself this question: do I really want to succeed at network marketing? If you can answer, 'I want this more than anything else' then you will succeed in this business. The reason why many people fail at network marketing is that the lack a deep desire to succeed. I want this because it will give me the ability to do for others what I can barely do for myself or my family right now. If you are willing to up give other things and make succeeding in network marketing a priority, then, you will succeed. You will do whatever you need to do in order to make it to the top. You will not come up with excuses as to why you can't do something or you don't have time.
If you have a family, you will still need to dedicate a reasonable amount of time to them. However, you should explain to them that this is your goal and when you succeed, you will be able to do even more for them because you won't be as concerned about how your family is going to pay their bills.
Network marketing is unique in that there is no other profession or "job" where an individual with no college degree or professional experience can make it to the top ranks of income earners in the U.S. within a 3-5 year period. These individuals describe overcoming their fears because they had to. Network marketing is unique because once an individual makes it to the top rank of their companies income earners, they not only have developed a solid income stream, they also have the ability to spend time with their family. They are unique in that they no longer have to sacrifice between spending time with their family and earning an excellent income.
You may ask yourself, "how do I know that I have what it takes to succeed?". If you think constantly about wanting to achieve your goals in network marketing and how you can do it and give up other things in order to focus on achieving your goals, then you will eventually make it to the top. It will not be overnight but you will make it as long as you don't quit.
This morning while working out at the gym, the TV was on with the commentators discussing last night's NBA Championship resulting in the Dallas Mavericks winning the championship and the Miami Heat losing. One of the Dallas Mavericks discussed how he had thought about nothing else when it came to his game of basketball than achieving the ultimate dream of an NBA championship for the last five years. Five years prior, they had lost in the finals. This time, they came back to win. At one time, the Dallas Mavericks were down 14 points but they came back and won the whole championship. You must pursue your goal to succeed just like this basketball. Yes, there will be plenty of big and unpleasant obstacles but you you have to decide that you will succeed and you will.
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