I've been through years of struggle in this industry and been roared through many MLM Marketing ebooks in my lifetime. I remember the heart break of doing home presentations only to be in an all out battle explaining why my MLM company isn't a scam. I remember spending the little money I had left to travel distances to do presentations and make nothing out of it.
But I stayed persistence and committed to the goal of serenity, the goal of true enlightenment. It wasn't until I got my hands on this particular MLM Marketing ebook that things started changing drastically for me. It was like the holy grail of network marketing and my perspective of MLM would never be the same after.
I had to read the MLM Marketing ebook about 10x because each time I did I would learn some new insight and new gem at the place and time I was at growing as a leader. This ebook taught me how to not worry so much about prospects but to take on a new positions. A position of empowerment that allowed me to have abundance and leverage. To now having up to 15,000+ people visit my site on a monthly basis all coming to me.
This MLM Marketing ebook also changed my position in terms of empowerment. I no longer feel like a prospect is doing me a favor by joining my business. Instead I would be giving my prospect a favor because now they can tap into my knowledge of marketing and learn specific things that would empower them as an entrepreneur. Because of what I now know because of this, I am my greatest business asset.
I now know because of this specific MLM Marketing ebook that its not my company compensation plan, the products, the awards it gets or any outside force that determines my success. The only thing that can determine your success is YOU, and it is directly proportionate on what you feed yourself. Not feed yourself necessary in food, but what kind of knowledge you feed yourself.
The MLM Marketing ebook was not the one all be all book to success, but it was the turning point that put me in the fastest route to it. Since then I have read thousands of pages in personal development and success principles. Modeling successful people was the speed I needed to get things going faster. So the moral of the story is don't be afraid to learn, don't be afraid to invest in YOU because YOU are the path to YOUR success.
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