
Internet Business Tips For A Brand New Marketer

Starting an online business is a step in the right direction towards freedom but be warned it is not for everybody. The following internet business tips are designed for the person who is serious about leaving the so called "normal way of life" behind, and to learn the quickest way to leverage the internet.

As a beginner you will need the following criteria to stand any chance of coming out on top.

You will need:

A landing page or websiteAn email auto responder (with pre-written follow up messages)A marketing system to track your marketing campaignsA back end product line to sellMarketing trainingMentors

Lets dig a bit deeper and look closer at the above

You will need a landing page or website to both give you an online presence and to also capture leads in exchange for something valuable that you have offered them. Obviously your website needs to look as professional as possible and your offer needs to be as attractive as possible. People are not going to give you their personal information unless there is something in it for them.

To build a list you need an auto responder to both capture the leads and send out follow up emails at predetermined time periods that you choose. The follow up email series allows you to build a relationship with the prospect if they choose to not buy on the first look. Your follow up messages need to be well written and to not just blatantly ask people to buy your stuff.

It is highly recommended to invest in a good quality marketing system that allows you to see exactly how your marketing campaigns are going. It is vital to be able to split test and track how much traffic you are driving to your web page, and also from that traffic what percentage are converting to leads.

You can survive without a marketing system but as a beginner it is recommended to learn how to use these marketing tools and to keep track of your leads using a quality marketing system. A good quality marketing system will comprise all of the 6 criteria above in the one system. This is highly recommended to make it easier for you to get started.

To make money you will need a back end product to sell. Choose your product line carefully and make sure that you have conclusive proof that other people are making money from it. Legally backed video testimonials are the most credible.

Make sure your company is not brand new and has been around for a while. Ideally your product line will pay large commissions per sale, meaning that you don't have to make a lot of sales to make decent money from it.

As you progress as a marketer you are going to need to keep learning and studying your craft. Pick out one or two (no more than two) marketing methods and seek out some professional training to become a specialist in these areas.

You should always be looking to be getting better and improve on your existing skills. Never stop learning and work hard to be the best that you can possibly be. There is plenty of free training out there on Google and YouTube, but sometimes it is worth investing in courses if they are going to help to take you to the next level.

And the last of the 6 internet business tips is about mentors. Don't try to do it all on your own. It is very important that you have someone experienced to turn to for advise to make sure you are on the right track. Don't rely on them to hold your hand, but if you can have someone to turn to occasionally to get professional advice then it will dramatically speed up your learning curve.

But the most important tip of all is to never give up. The only way to fail is to give up. Online marketing can provide the life of your dreams if you are prepared to persist without exception and to make sure you are always getting better.

We have been marketing online since 2006 and in that time we have figured out what does work, and also what doesn't work. We are on a mission to help as many people as possible to become profitable online.

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