Some Network Marketers thumb their noses at the thought of having Network Marketing blog, mainly because they haven't been shown just how helpful it can be to them. their sponsors say they never needed a blog and they are doing okay. You shouldn't need one either.
Wrong! You need a blog because the website provided to you by your business opportunity is designed for and meant to do one thing and one thing only, Promote The Product, period. Once you get a visitor to your Company Provided Website the only difference between your website and possibly thousands of others is a little box with your name and maybe your picture in it. Your own blog let's you stand out from the rest of your Company's distributors.
A Network Marketing blog helps you earn your Prospect's loyalty, to be sure your Prospect remembers who sent them to visit XYZ Inc's Opportunity Website by establishing a conversation first, otherwise they may really love your Company's Compensation Plan and Product, get called away for a few hours, remember where they were but not how they got there and join under someone else.
Network Marketing is about building relationships, having a blog allows you to start building a solid relationship with your readers by using your Comment Section. You can also attract more visitors and thus build more relationships by leaving comments on other blogs.
Leaving comments on other people's Network Marketing blogs has another benefit, it shows both the blog author and it's readers that you are actively seeking visitors. after only a couple of weeks of steady posting and commenting you can build an air of anticipation, what's coming next?
The third reason you should have a blog is the speed in which blogs are indexed by the Search Engines. Your Company Website won't be indexed at all, to the Search Engines it will be just one of hundreds of almost identical websites with no new value to offer.
With regular posting on your Network Marketing blog, by regular posting read three to five times a week, after a short time, a few days or weeks, the Search Engines will start indexing your posts even faster. Faster indexing means more Prospects see your content sooner, which can translate into your Network Marketing business growing even faster.
To recap, the reasons you need a blog are:
1. To stand out from your Company's other distributors.
2. You can start building solid relationships faster, before you even email each other.
3. Your content will be indexed faster, faster indexing means more visitors sooner, for faster business building.
This article should hopefully help some fence sitters to take that much-needed step into today's Internet powered world, and start using a blog to build their Network Marketing business at Internet speed.
If you are interested in starting your own blog, even if you don't have an Opportunity yet, click the resource box below.
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